

Dusty, my first Saluki, is the love of my life. He is a wise
veteran with the outlook and personality of a pup. Dusty came into my world as a young adult, under unusual circumstances.
Suffice to say, he's here to stay! (And we wouldn't have it any other way.)
Dusty entered the show ring with me for
the first time in 2000, at the SCOA National Specialty. Dusty decided the limelight is the right light, walking (bouncing?)
away with 3rd place in Veteran Sweeps 10-12. In addition to many new friends and fans, Dusty received a lovely rosette and
sufficient funds to acquire his victory steak!
In a repeat performance, Dusty received 2nd place in Veteran Sweeps
10-12 at the Huron Valley Saluki Club Specialty. Again, steaks were enjoyed!





Dusty, long before we met, at the precious age of eight weeks.
Handsome is as handsome does...and will always be!
Relax...breathe deep... You just might be able to smell the "puppybreath"!
Dusty is one of a litter of 10 born to Ch. Darrinna Dhaa'Id (Commando) and Al Caliphs
Hasni Darrinna (Foxy) on 8 February 1990. Breeders are Richard Dehn and Sue Ann Dehn.
Dusty is the living image of
his dam, Foxy, and brings to mind many of his wonderful English ancestors. Dusty is a black-fringed fawn, stands just under
28" and weighs a svelte 60 pounds.
frightening experience in 2001 With our kindest thanks for your support
Thank you, from the bottom
of my heart, to all of you who expressed your concern and support for Dusty during his illness...and for your concern and
kindness toward me and Zahrah! It is appreciated more than you could imagine! The support we received from the Saluki and
Afghan Hound communities was amazing. It was heartwarming to see how people rallied around our wonderful Dusty.
Thursday, February 8, 2001, was Dusty's
11th birthday. We were startled awake that morning by the sound of Dusty's frantic breathing. An emergency trip to the veterinary
hospital was not how I'd hoped to start my boy's big day.
After a long and difficult weekend, in and out of our regular
veterinarian's practice with no ready diagnosis, Dusty received an emergency referral to the Michigan State University College
of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital on Monday, February 12. The staff at MSU saw Dusty almost immediately. My very, very
sick boy was admitted to the veterinary hospital for testing and observation.
I visited Dusty the next day, finding
my poor, sweet boy on oxygen, IV fluids and antibiotics. He was weak enough that he was brought to the visitation room on
a gurney. The diagnosis: severe pneumonia. The first few days at MSU were very critical, with Dusty very weak and ill. I was
able to visit him fairly frequently, the drive to East Lansing seeming longer than ever in my concerned, tired, worried state.
Dusty was up and trying to get around by Thursday. He was curious and very alert, picking up his head to see who was
in the vicinity. By Saturday, Dusty was feeling much better and trying to test-drive those beautiful long legs of his! (When
he arrived at MSU, he was barely able to stand on his own. Due to very low blood oxygen levels, his muscles were very weak.)
A short walk outside found Dusty constantly trying to trot out to the end of his lead, delighted to be able to move freely
on his own! He even marked a large tree for posterity. Monday morning I received the best news of all: Dusty is doing wonderfully
and he may go home! The day couldn't go by quickly enough for me. At 5:30PM, I was at Michigan State, settling the damages
and transporting my boy home to his beloved Zahrah.
Tuesday morning: I wake up to the wonderful sound of Dusty, breathing
regularly and with ease. What a wonderful world!
Thank you, Robert Jackson DVM, for trying all you could and
going to bat for Dusty. I am ever-grateful for your call to Michigan State that got Dusty into their care.
Thank you,
Cynthia Ramsey DVM, for your perseverance and dedication to Dusty while he was at MSU. I appreciate that Dusty remained under
your care the duration of his stay. Your patience, understanding and willingness to answer all my questions will not be forgotten!
Thank you, also, for letting me know what a great patient he was for you.
Thank you, Kim Cox, College of Veterinary
Medicine 2002, for being Dusty's angel. Dusty obviously was very fond of you, watching for you and waiting for your attention.
Your kind, gentle attention and concern for him are precious to us. I know that you will miss having this good boy around!
We wish you a wonderful career.

