
The Zs in show rings throughout North America!

Zafirah was honored with an Award of Merit at the Huron Valley Saluki Club Specialty,
1 September 2006.
Zafirah and her sire, Boss, received two of the just three select awards offered.
Thank you, Dr. Robert Place, Arabesque, for enjoying and acknowledging Zafirah!

Zayn was awarded 1st place in the Bred by Exhibitor Dog class at the Huron Valley
Saluki Club Specialty, 31 August 2006.
Thank you, Norm Strathdee, Padtheway (Australia), for acknowledging Zayn!

Zafirah was awarded Best of Breed at the Grand Rapids KC show. Zahli was awarded
Winners Bitch, for a 3-point major, from the Bred by Exhibitor class.
Thank you, Dr. Anthony DiNardo, for honoring the quality of these lovely littermates!
(And thank you, "Uncle" Kevin Carlson, for helping out during Best of Breed.)

Zafirah was Best of Breed at the Greater Muskegon KC
and Grand Rapids KC shows,
2006 West Michigan Harvest Cluster.
Thank you, Constance Barton and Keke Kahn (shown), for the

Amala Zuri of Alhurr FCh, Daizy, was Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex to
finish her
Canadian bench championship.
Daizy received Group 4 and Group 3 honors over the summer.

Zayn was awarded Winners Dog, 5-point major, September 1 Huron Valley Saluki Club
What a way to kick off your conformation points, Zayn...and from Bred By Exhibitor,
Thank you, Terri Fortner-Jackson, Hidasar, for acknowledging Zayn's quality.

Amala Zuleika, ZiZi, (shown by her friend Carol) was
awarded Best of Winners and Best of
Opposite Sex,
Leavenworth KC, for a 5-point major.
Thank you, George Heitzman, for this lovely win!
Zafirah was awarded Best of Breed, Racine KC ASA medallion supported show.
Thank you, Romayne Strilka-Switch, Hound Hollow, for the honor!

Amala Zerdali, Claire, was awarded Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex
at the July 2006 San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty, for a 5-point major.
Thank you, Clair Chryssolor, Anasazi salukis, England, for honoring our Claire!

